Before putting your home on the market, you need to improve the level of quality within that home. Here’s how you can do that.
What should you do to your house before putting it on the market?
Some people like to give an allowance for items that need to be fixed in their home instead of actually fixing these items, but this is a mistake. I’m in and out of homes with buyers each and every day and I’ve never had one get excited about an allowance.
Buyers get excited about the level of quality within the home. This includes features like granite counters and new carpeting and whether the house looks good, feels good, and smells good. These are the big-picture items you want to make sure are taken care of before putting your house on the market. Remember—you live in your house one way, but put it on the market another way.
A few weeks ago, I met with a client and helped them narrow down a list of things they thought they needed to improve in their home to five or six major things that would actually influence a buyer’s decision. What kinds of things influence a buyer’s decision? Right now, buyers in our market are looking for upgrades and want their houses move-in ready.
You live in your house one way, but put it on the market another way.
Whether you’re looking to sell your house next week, next month, or next year, it’s time to get it ready to sell. If you have any questions about what you should do to your home before putting it on the market, give me a call. I’d be happy to speak with you!